Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond Fund offers a well-constructed portfolio of short-term corporate bonds at a razor-thin expense ratio. Focusing strictly on corporate bonds should position this fund to capture market rallies better than most of its Morningstar Category peers without pushing it too far into risky territory.
Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond ETF VCSH
Morningstar’s Analysis VCSH
Will VCSH outperform in future?
Get our overall rating based on a fundamental assessment of the pillars below.
People Pillar
Parent Pillar
- Current Portfolio Date
- Equity Holdings —
- Bond Holdings —
- Other Holdings —
- % Assets in Top 10 Holdings 2.7
Top 10 Holdings
% Portfolio Weight
Market Value USD
United States Treasury Notes | 0.78 | 316.1 Mil | Government |
Mktliq 12/31/2049 | 0.68 | 274.6 Mil | Cash and Equivalents |
Us Dollar | 0.57 | 230.5 Mil | Cash and Equivalents |
Bank of America Corp. | 0.24 | 95.6 Mil | Corporate |
Bank of America Corp. | 0.23 | 94.5 Mil | Corporate |
CVS Health Corp | 0.23 | 91.6 Mil | Corporate |
The Boeing Company | 0.21 | 85.5 Mil | Corporate |
Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. | 0.20 | 82.1 Mil | Corporate |
Aercap Ireland Capital DAC | 0.20 | 81.0 Mil | Corporate |
Amgen Inc. | 0.20 | 79.7 Mil | Corporate |