More on 401(k)s
No, 401(k) Funds Do Not Cost 2% Per Year
Beware the claims of investment personalities.
Why You Should Clean Up Those Old 401(k)s
Don’t add to the challenge of retirement savings by leaving a trail of abandoned accounts.
How to Handle a 401(k) Hardship Withdrawal
Before you pull out retirement funds, understand the long-term costs.
Can a Taxable Account Beat a 401(k)?
Investment quality and expenses, as well as tax costs, are big swing factors.
How to Roll Over an Old 401(k)
Is deciding what to do with an orphan 401(k) on your to-do list? Here are seven steps for getting it done.
Mike Moran: Taking the Temperature on Retirement Readiness
A Goldman Sachs retirement specialist discusses retirement savers’ successes and pain points, what 401(k) plans could do better, and what works in financial education.
Has IBM Built the Next Generation’s 401(k) Plan?
The company takes a hybrid approach to retirement benefits.
401(k)s for Higher-Income Employees
As their needs are greater, so must be their contribution rates.
Pension vs. 401(k): Which Retirement Option Wins in an Inflationary Environment?
Measuring the effect of inflation on fixed incomes.
The Time Is Right for Aftertax 401(k) Contributions
In-plan conversions are a no-brainer for heavy savers who have access to them.
Have Older Investors Become Too Aggressive?
What to make of their love affair with equities.
What Belongs in 401(k) Plans?
Setting reasonable limits on what investments should be offered.
5 Questions to Ask When Taking a Hands-On Approach to Your 401(k)
Selecting your own investments? Here’s what to know before you start.
Should You Fund Your 401(k) First or Your IRA?
Also, why we raised Cisco stock’s fair value estimate but not those for Kraft Heinz or Roku.
How Higher Retirement Savings Limits Can Help You Catch Up
Even if you’re off to a late start, there’s still hope for your 401(k).